What is BAM?

Business Activity Monitoring Software, Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) remains a collection of tools that allow you to manage aggregations, alerts, and profiles to monitor pertinent business measurement systems (called Key Performance Indicators. Or KPIs). It gives you end-to-end visibility into your commercial procedures and accurate information on the status and results of various operations, processes, and transactions to address problem areas and resolve subjects within your business.

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The BAM Framework Provides an Easy

Real-time. Transaction-consistent way to monitor heterogeneous commercial applications and present data for SQL queries and aggregated (OLAP) report. Through questions and aggregations, you can include not only the data that is present during the running business process but also the state and dynamics of the running business process,

Regardless of How the Business Remains Automated.

BAM applies operational commercial intelligence and application integration technologies to automated processes to continually refine them based on feedback from knowledge of operating events. In addition to checking business processes (and business process management systems), BAM can send event-based alerts that can remain used to alert decision-makers to business changes that may require action.

Why use BAM? Business Activity Monitoring Software

Today’s typical company uses a variety of business applications, such as customer relationship management (CRM), SAP. And also order management. Acquired or developed in-house over time. These applications often use disparate technologies and run as heterogeneous operating systems, from COBOL programs using COM and COM+ to C# and Java.

At the Same Time

many aspects of a typical business remain based on human actions, such as phone calls, faxes, and emails. It is increasingly difficult to see “what is happening in the business” in such a complex environment. However, with the increasing market speed. It is more crucial for companies to make quick decisions to take advantage of market opportunities or avoid losses. IT administrators who want to reduce the cost of their distributed IT environments while improving service quality can use BAM as a monitoring solution. BAM provides management oversight of business-critical servers and applications across your enterprise and offers a vertical view of high-performance workstations and applications within engineering, design, and production divisions.

BAM Exposes End-to-end Business Process Visibility Requirements.

By understanding how the various roles within the business interact with the business process and the data requirements for the interactions. The business analyst interacts with the BAM design-time surface in Microsoft Office Excel through the BAM wizards. BAM to create Activity and View Definitions to support these visibility needs of the various roles.

More Specifically, BAM Addresses the Challenges Companies Face in the Following Ways:

  • Empowerment of the business end user through the BAM portal
  • Commercial alerts and notifications
  • Better creation of visibility and consumption experience.
  • End-to-end business process visibility
  • Support for pipelines (and indirectly, adapters and web services)
  • Immediate activity change on the fly
  • Interceptor Guidelines and Tracking Profile


Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) is a collection of tools that allow you to manage aggregations, alerts, and profiles to monitor relevant business metrics called Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs. Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) broke onto the scene three or four years ago. stimulated by the growing interest in Business Process Management BPM. which made it possible to understand more clearly the relationship between real-time IT operations and business activities.

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