Doing Business with the City of Columbus

The City of Columbus is all around business as it creates, develops, and also achieves diversity in our supply chain. We want a sustainable economy, a better location, and to help companies relocate, expand and retain. 41% of the US population, 80% of US corporate headquarters, and also 43% of US cities are a day’s journey by truck or an hour’s flight from Columbus. The City of Colombo has easy access to business resources to support residents and also the small business community. Are they interested in doing business or finding business opportunities in downtown Columbus?

Supplier Services

The City of Colombo is open for business here: Supplier Services. Vendor Services provides a single, 24-hour portal that allows vendors to express interest in doing business with the City and also effectively manage W9, registration, compliance, and also bidding information. It provides open access for sellers to compete for deals, find buying opportunities, submit bids, and also manage seller information.

Contractors, Licenses, and also Permissions

The Section of Building and also Zoning Services enforces Columbus building and zoning codes. The department promotes high design standards for new construction and also the renovation and reuse of existing buildings in the City. They provide information on obtaining business permits and also permits, inspections, zoning, engineering, etc. Online resources provide servicers with forms and also applications, help them check permit application status, request construction inspections, and also more.

The Department of Finance and also Management’s Office of Construction Prequalification administers the prequalification process to provide fair and also equitable evaluations to all companies seeking construction business with the City.

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Income Tax

The Income Tax Division serves Columbus residents. Employees, and also businesses. They provide City of Columbus tax guidelines, requirements, collection, audit, enforcement. And also forms related to filing municipal taxes for residents and employers.


Our City is a place where people can learn about living and also working green and make a commitment to do it—you make mandatory commitments to be environmentally friendly in five categories—and then pick some more. There are plenty of details to go green and also join the Green spot movement—doing something small can impact Columbus’ health and also future. Suitable for your family, business. Or community group.

Local, State, and Federal Business Assistance

The City of Columbus partners with local, state, and federal agencies to provide programs, services, and incentives that facilitate the operation and success of businesses, suppliers, and minority and women-owned businesses.

Why Columbus is the perfect place to start a high-growth company

Columbus is the place to go for entrepreneurs creating new companies, innovators with innovative technologies, and venture capitalists looking to invest in high-growth startups with the potential to revolutionize entire industries.

Columbus City Business

Innovation infrastructure provides capital, contract flow, and support.

Capital attracts capital. The Columbus community has invested in building innovation infrastructure systematically and strategically. Startup funding is the foundation of any innovation economy, and central Ohio has access to a continuum of venture capital, from private equity funds to public sources. Rev1 Ventures’ portfolio companies, for example, have drawn co-investors from 21 other states, Europe and Singapore.

Internationally renowned research institutions, including Ohio State University (OSU), Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and OhioHealth, drive innovation and provide access to venture capital for intellectual property. Physical infrastructure, including facilities for wet and dry labs, is expanding. This creates a stable pipeline of new business creation.

The corporate community has the entrepreneur’s back. Industry innovators State Auto and Grange Insurance have created innovative investment funds that combine investment and industry expertise. Main Street businesses offer professional services to entrepreneurs for an “initial fee.” Ohio Fortune 1000 companies like Worthington Industries connect entrepreneurs with customers and investors.

Opportunities create more opportunities.

In Columbus, opportunities come in many forms – new ideas, companies, and jobs. For example, ScriptDrop, a young company founded by former CoverMyMeds employees, will add 80 jobs by 2022 – one of our 100+ portfolio companies creating opportunities.

CNBC ranked Ohio as one of the top 10 US states for business. Forbes writes: “Columbus changes with the times”; “Technological innovation is becoming a force in this midsize American city,” and “Columbus is a magnet for talent.”

Thirty-seven Columbus-based companies are among the latest from Inc. 5000 were named on the list. Seven Columbus companies and organizations made the Forbes 2019 Best Employers for Women list. Two of them, The Ohio State University and Safe lite Auto glass, are pursuing strategic initiatives and investments in entrepreneurship and innovation.

The sources of talent are plentiful.

With 126 four-year colleges and universities in Ohio and more than 350 institutions enrolled in our community colleges and trade schools, the state is creating the new workforce needed by innovative companies. Columbus remains one of the top cities in the United States for graduates, ranking in the top five in Smart Asset’s annual report.

A decade ago, there were a few types of industries here. Today, Columbus has jobs that attract talent from across the US. Only the Rev1 job board has some software engineering, web development. Data science and application design jobs.

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Living here is fun and also vibrant.

Columbus is a growing city. So all the elements that make it a fun and also exciting place to live are growing. We have many entertainment districts, not just one. The Short North Arts District is modern. Diverse, and also fun. We have college and professional sports. With a nightlife and also food scene that seems to add a new place every week. We have variety and something unique for everyone.

People can come here and also flourish. With nearly one million people, Columbus ranks fifteenth on the list of the 75 largest cities in the United States – behind San Francisco. The big difference is that San Francisco has the highest average monthly cost of living on the list. And Columbus is 40% lower.