When you select a vendor to extract data from a website, the decision often hinges on one critical aspect: cost. But here’s the catch. Can you really put a fixed price tag on something as dynamic as web scraping?

Every web scraping project is unique. Much like the data it aims to gather. Various factors play crucial roles in shaping the cost. In this guide, we’ll delve into the cost of web scraping.

What’s web scraping pricing models?

There are several popular pricing models for data scraping:

  • Per project
  • Per hour
  • Subscription-based

With the project model, you know the cost upfront, what’s included, and what to expect at the end. It’s tailor-made for those with a specific, well-defined project. Also, if you need a chunk of data delivered on a one-off basis, this model is your best bet. It’s a favorite pick among many companies because it’s straightforward, and has clear objectives as well as a defined timeline.

Hourly billing for data extraction services offers flexibility. It’s perfect for projects where the scope isn’t clear from the get-go. If you anticipate tweaks and adjustments along the way, or if the project requires ongoing discovery, the per-hour model allows you to adapt as you go. But keep an eye on the clock—costs can add up if the project scope creeps.

As you go with the subscription-based model, you pay a regular fee for ongoing service delivery. It’s a popular choice for companies that want data to be scraped at regular intervals. It involves continuous service, often with a set amount of data or a number of scrapes per month.

Pricing Model Best for Pros Cons
Per project Specific, well-defined one-off projects – Fixed cost upfront

– Clear objectives

– Defined timeline

– Not flexible for project changes
Per Hour Projects with unclear scope or ongoing discovery – High flexibility

– Pay for work done

– Adjustments possible

– Cost uncertainty

– Scope creep can increase costs

Subscription-based Long-term projects with regular data scraping needs – Regular, predictable billing

– Ongoing service

– Suitable for constant data needs

– Less tailored to specific projects

– May include unused services

How much does web scraping cost: Breaking down the factors

Why exactly it’s so hard to define the cost of web scraping? Because too many factors come into play. Namely, these are:

How much does web scraping cost_ Breaking down the factors

1.   Project scope

Scraping a few simple websites? That’s relatively easy on the wallet. But extracting information from websites like Amazon with vast categories and intricate structures, that’s a different ballgame. Each added website and every extra layer of complexity ramps up the project’s scope – and the cost.

Specification Lower price range

(up to $500)

Medium price range

(from $500 to $5,000)

Higher price


(above $5,000)

№ of websites 1-2 simple sites 3-10 average sites 10+ sites
№ of records 1,000 – 10,000 10,001 – 1,000,000 1,000,001 and above
Input data formats & types Structured data Semi-structured data Unstructured data
Quality control Raw data Verified data Verified and standardized data
Data delivery frequency One-time Monthly Daily or real-time

2.   Website complexity

It’s simple. The more complex the website is, the pricier it will get to extract information from it. In these terms, you should consider the following factors:

  • Website structure. Some websites have consistent HTML elements, straightforward URLs, and a sitemap (and they are easy to scrape, which means a lower cost for you). Others have dynamic content, and intricate JavaScript or AJAX (which means more development time = higher project cost).
  • Anti-scraping measures. To overcome IP blocking, you’ll need several proxies (each $100-$300 per month). And CAPTCHA-solving solutions are rated from $0.5 to $2 per 1000 solved CAPTCHA.
  • Login. Requires accounts and sessions management, which adds to the cost of data collection.
Cost range Website specifications Measures taken to get data

(from $10 to $100)

– Static HTML/CSS

– Sitemap

– No login


– Limited JavaScript

✓ Basic data extraction tools

✓ Minimal custom code


(from $100 to $500)

– Simple anti-scraping measures

– Dynamic content loading

– JavaScript/AJAX

– Basic login requirements

✓ Headless browsers

✓ Moderate custom coding

✓ IP rotation


(above $500)

– JavaScript/AJAX

– Complex site navigation

– Strict login protocols

– CAPTCHA, honeypots, etc.

✓ CAPTCHA-solving tools

✓ Extensive custom coding

✓ Robust IP proxy solutions

✓ Increased labor for setup and monitoring

3.   Code development time

Let’s consider an average developer rate of $15.63 per hour. Let’s make some rough calculations.

  • $50 – $100+ to hire web scraping developers for simple projects (3-4 hours).
  • $100+ to get developers to extract information from websites with dynamic content and basic anti-scraping measures (7 hours).
  • $375-$500+ to fetch data from complex websites (3-4 days).

4.   Data post-processing

Processing data usually takes 80% of the overall project’s time. So, what’s included in this scope?

  • Data loading: $50 per website
  • Data cleaning: $50+ per dataset
  • Data validation: $500+
  • Data transformation: $750+
  • Data integration: $1,000+

But note that the web scraping service cost always depends on the labor market. So, the final price will be shaped by the region you outsource services from.

5.   Tools

Each web scraping tool you add to your tech stack has its price tag. For example, renting cloud servers may cost $40 per website scrape. You’ll need to store data somewhere. So, the storage service usually has the rates from $0.020 to $0.040 per GB per month. This means keeping 1 TB of data will cost you $20 to $40 per month. If you need to use proxies or CAPTCHA solvers, it means more money is spent.

6.   Web extractor support and maintenance

If you’re interested in a one-time website scrape, don’t bother about scraper maintenance and support. The service provider will set up the tool, deliver the data, and that’s it.

But once you need a continuous data flow, the developers will have to support and maintain the scrapers. If they don’t, the bot won’t fetch the recent information. Or won’t adapt to website updates, so you’ll end up wasting your resources on the parser that never collects information.

The web scraper maintenance may cost from $500 per month. Programmers will deal with daily data loading, scraper troubleshooting, data cleaning, IP rotation management, and other measures needed to keep the tool running.

So, how much does web scraping projects cost?

As you see, estimating the web scraping costs is a tall order. As too many factors are in the game. Still, you can have a basic estimation — just ask a service provider to issue you a quote.

To sum things up, let’s make some rough calculations. A one-time scrape of 10 websites will be around $500 – $1,500. If you need data continuously (which means additional cost for support), extracting data from 10 simple websites can be estimated at $5,000 – $7,000 for initial setup + $500 – $1,000 monthly support fee.