Voldyne 5000 – Voldyne is an instrument that incentive spirometers help patients increase lung capacity through voluntary pulmonary exercise. A volumetric white piston and sliding yellow pointer make it easy for the patient and therapist to monitor inspired air volume and flow. The Voldyne® 2500 low-volume exerciser measures up to 5000mL of inspired air, making it ideal for geriatric patients or patients with small lung capacity.

How To Use Voldyne 5000

The Voldyne 5000 remains a popular incentive spirometer. The purpose of this device is to open the air sacs in the lungs after surgery, making it easier to breathe deeply and keeping the lungs clear. Proper use can speed up your overall recovery and reduce your risk of developing pneumonia or other breathing problems.

Check the Desired Target Of Voldyne 5000:

Check the Desired Target Of Voldyne 5000_

When using the Voldyne 5000 under the upkeep of a physician, nurse, or respiratory therapist, this healthcare professional will generally have a goal in mind. The Voldyne 5000 has a target range between 250 and 2500 ml, so your target should be within this range. These numbers indicate the volume of air your lungs can absorb. Although starting the procedure with a volume goal is generally best, it is not strictly necessary for the first use. However, you should still use the results of each user to adjust your target later.

Usual the Pointer:

Look for the yellow indicator tab on the cross of the large progressed column. Move the account up or down until it rests in the position labeled with your desired target. If you don’t have a target during your first use, you don’t need to set the pointer to any measurement. However, you will need to use the information later.

Sit Conventionally:

Move to the end of your couch or chair and sit actively conventionally. You can lean forward slightly if you want, but you shouldn’t allow yourself to slouch or slump. Similarly, you should also not allow your head to tilt backward. If you can’t move to the edge of your bed, you should at least sit as far away as possible while sitting up in bed. When you use an adjustable hospital bed, you can use the controls to raise the head of your bed and help you sit up.

Hold the Voldyne 5000 Upright:

Hold the Voldyne 5000 Upright_

Hold the device upright with all labels facing you. Keep the device as level as possible for the procedure to work correctly and all readings to remain accurate. You should have a strong view of the marker tab, target piston, and main piston. Note that the target piston is the yellow cylinder below the “Good, Better, Best” label on the side of the device, and the primary piston is the large white disk at the bottom of the large cylinder.

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Using the Voldyne 5000


Exhale naturally, pushing as much air out of your lungs as possible. Breathe out through your mouth instead of your nose to expel more air at a faster rate. A complete exhalation is essential. If you only partially exhale, you won’t be able to inhale as deeply as you would with empty lungs, making it difficult to hit your target point or get accurate results.

Put the Mouthpiece in Your Mouth:

You must create and maintain an airtight seal with your lips. Firmly press your lips around the mouthpiece to create a tight seal. Change the position of the tongue as necessary to ensure that it does not block the mouthpiece and make it difficult to use. Otherwise, some of the air you inhale will come from outside the Voldyne 5000, and the resulting measurement will be less than it should be.

Inhale Slowly:

Inhale Slowly

Take a deep, slow breath. Continue inhaling until you reach your marked target or can no longer inhale. If you are maintaining a proper tight seal with your lips, this inhalation should feel similar to the sensation of drinking a thick liquid through a tiny straw. Watch the goal piston as it bounces between “Good, “Better,” and “Excellent.” This gauge measures your inhalation speed, and a slower inhalation will create a better reading. Try to keep it within the “Best” and “Best” ranges. Inhaling slowly gives the air sacs of the lungs.

3 To 5 Seconds Hold Your Breath

Once you’ve finished inhaling, pause and hold your breath for a minimum of 3 seconds. Watch the main piston as you hold your breath. It should gradually drop to the bottom or “zero” position. Once it does, you can proceed to the next step.

Exhale Normally:

Take the mouthpiece out of your mouth and breathe at an average, comfortable pace. As before, try to expel all of the air from your lungs on this exhale. If you feel winded or your lungs are tired, take a few normal breaths before continuing to the next step. It would help if you still ended on an exhale before advancing, though.

Reset The Indicator:

Reset The Indicator_

Reset the indicator. Unless you are told otherwise by your nurse or respiratory therapist, you should move the plastic indicator to the highest point you reached during the procedure. It allows you to adjust your goal based on your lungs’ abilities. When repeating this exercise, make your adjusted mark your new goal.

Repeat As Directed:

Repeat this course as directed by your healthcare provider. You should follow the procedure 10 to 15 times during each sitting. If your nurse or therapist did not assign a set number of repeats, aim for at least 10. You can do more, but stop if you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or exhausted.

Do not attempt to rush through the process. Work through it gradually and breathe generally in between each repeat. If you feel lightheaded or dizzy, pause for more time between repeats.

Adjust the yellow goal marker each time you complete the procedure, but only adjust if you reach a higher goal point. Do not adjust the pointer to a lower position unless your doctor, nurse, or therapist instructs you.


After finishing the procedure, breathe deeply and cough twice or thrice. Coughing should help clear the mucus from your lungs, making it easier for you to breathe. If you had surgery on your chest or stomach, or if you feel pain while you cough, hold a pillow or folded blanket firmly against your chest while coughing. Applying pressure to the incision site should support the area and reduce pain.

Tips While Continuing Voldyne 5000 Therapy

Tips While Continuing Voldyne 5000 Therapy

  • Thoroughly clean the mouthpiece with soap and water after each use. Rinse well and do dry hygiene with paper towels.
  • You will need to use the device in the same manner every one to two hours or as directed by your nurse, doctor, or respiratory therapist.
  • While not strictly necessary, keeping a log indicating your results is a good idea. This log should contain an entry for each time you use the Voldyne 5000.
  • When you are well enough to safely get out of bed and move around on your own, practice walking around in between uses. While walking, breathe deeply and cough two or three times.


The Voldyne 5000 Volumetric Exerciser measures the volume of air you inspire and shows you how effectively you are filling your lungs with each inhalation. Normally, you take many deep breaths each hour usually without being aware of it.

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